Part One: “Cosmic Disclosure” – The Miz Liz Factor (New: Addendum)


Concerning GENUINE Justice — which I wrote about in a previous post below this one –there is another very important factor.

It is often completely overlooked because it is a subject full of disinformation, misinformation and downright lies as well as being a basic archetype for human-kind on planet earth and the subject of many many legends and mythologies as far back as human beings can be traced.  :diablo:

That is . . . the vicious and Highly Subversive DRACO factor. (Look at the cute eyes in the picture above. . . . uh . . . in the case of the Miz Liz Entourage, that cuteness is part of a clever deception.)

My knowledge of this particular Lizardly Entourage is very slight — but it is recorded throughout history that many human beings have encountered them face-to-face. I should point out here that certainly not all Reptilians are evil nor bent on having humans for lunch. However, according to legend, our Universe was invaded a long time ago by a highly technologically advance Repitilian race of entities from another Universe who called themselves the Alpha Draco.

Reportedly, they originally came in through a portal in what we call the Orion Nebulae. They started The Great Orion war with the native people’s and also with the ones who came in from other places to help out those natives of Orion.

The Alpha Draco did recruit some other violent and exploitative races who had become willing to follow their subversive agenda of conquest. None of those were reptilian however. There are many reptilian races throughout our Universe but most of them are entirely peaceable — however we on planet earth know only of the Alpha Draco because we became their target.

The Great Orion War may have only gone on for a few hundred years.

The Galactic Federation of Light was already in existence long before the Draco came into our Universe and had been acting as peace keepers for a very long time. After the Orion War ended, the Federation and Members of the  High Council watched as the Draco and their non-reptilian allies left Orion and headed specifically towards planet earth. In effect, they had lost and were being pushed back and needed what they considered to be “some easy pickings.”

The Council and the Galactic Federation watched, observed and read their hearts and minds in order to discover their intentions toward humans. It was revealed that they were desiring to enslave the peoples of planet earth.

This most likely occurred some 100 thousand years ago.

To make a long story short — these Miscreant Lizards (hence the title of this post) caused havoc and space wars first in the Great Orion War and then (after considerably less than full success) due to the intervention of the Galactic Federation and the allies of the Orion natives — they set their eyes upon subverting and enslaving planet earth.

And that is how the tyranny, chaos, violence and insanity upon our world came about.

Apparently, Miz Liz is (and has been) using planet earth as their VERY LAST TOEHOLD in our Universe — so, when our planet is finally liberated it will facilitate a great victory — not only for us — but for the whole Universe which have been holding their breathe to see how the situation here is resolved concerning these dangerous parasites but nevertheless rush in to help out whenever they are called upon or when they can intervene without in any way compromising our free will.

They too want an end to the Miz Liz reign of terror upon us and do whatever they can do within their allowed parameters — but we have to be aware of the situation and do our part to resist.

I will talk more about that as we go along.

That is the best I can put the picture pieces of this historic puzzle together at this time and I am sure that there is yet more to be discovered about it.

And . . . by the way . . . this is one of the truly great mysteries which has always been accompanied by much speculation, anxiety, supposition — and epic poem writing.

Anyhow, it is said (and widely believed among those who claim to know directly) that these Miscreant Lizards are the real controlling factor behind the group that many call The Criminal Cabal or The Illuminati or The Syndicate or The Secret Government or Tyrants.

Miz Liz controls them and anyone else they can deceive by manipulating the energetic bodies of other beings . . . but . . . in order to do so, they must GAIN THEIR PERMISSION . . . and they do this any way they can . . . by lying . . . by threatening . . . by enticing . . . by platitudes . . . or . . . etc., etc., etc.

These are lower 4th dimensional entities. They are trans-dimensional and are shape-shifters. They can intrude directly into our 3D world especially with their mental telepathy but also using a variety of physical forms, being shape-shifters. Yet, they prefer to influence and use other 3D entities (whom they have seduced and oftentimes completely possessed) to do their dirty work for them. They just sit back and delight in it without taking any risk.

In other words . . . they are very advanced mentally, technologically and telepathically . . . but completely lacking in any compassion, love, concern or appreciation for other beings other than themselves and they are completely lacking in all morals and mercy. They view humans as an energetic FOOD SUPPLY —  but the Universe herself imposes restrictions upon them and they must deceive those whom they intend to invade — and do it in such a way that those victims willingly are persuaded by them to the point of assent to their persuasions and ideas. This opens the way for them to be able to possess a victim.

The very fact that our Universe itself imposes this restriction upon these Miscreant Lizards shows that this is not a sudden anomaly at all but . . . an important part of the Divine Plan because in our overcoming of this plague we are led further into the uplifting and purification of our souls as we head for an entirely new 5D reality for Gaia and all her precious children.

At that point, the Miz Liz Entourage will no longer exist for us. But . . . we are now at the moment in this huge and unique shift where we must take up our personal responsibility to deal with this problem by learning to just say NO to these exploiting parasites. I do believe that this severe problem that has existed since time immemorial is a very significant part of the overall Divine Plan and is akin to a dark background — like a piece of black velvet upon which we — the diamonds of light — can more blatantly shine forth.

No, this is not my “sympathy for the devil” but it is just to show that even “the devil” is an integral part of the Great Creation and has a specific purpose as everything else does for having been brought into being.

Miz Liz literally FEEDS off of the energy supplied to them by their victims through powerful emotions such as fear, horror, terror, despair, utter frustration, unbearable agony and any trauma. They call the powerful energies generated from these emotions by the term LOECH.

So . . . they work at producing LOECH daily through cleverly finding ways to instigate more and more chaos and they do it by cleverly whispering suggestions into the mind’ ear of their prime targets to whom it seems like a good idea or they may even think that the suggestion came from their own minds.

Many of you reading this will instantly recognize that this is the well-known phenomena which has long been called “demon possession.” Yes . . . they are nearly one and the same but totally unlike religions interpret it.

Keep in mind that this can only happen when a person allows themselves to be tricked into giving their assent. This is the key to whole operation of the Miz Liz Entourage.

Then, to what extent can a person be influenced or possessed?  

Greatly or slightly and everything in between. Reportedly, Miz Liz can even materialize as an apparent human being. Or, even incarnate as one but still retaining their own Reptilian soul.


I have heard some people declare that these Reptilians “have no souls.” In my understanding this is completely wrong. Every being in the entire Multiverse has a soul and is a part of the web of Life and are thus entitled to an amount of respect because they are living beings with a soul and thus a part of the Divine Plan. But that does not mean we should be persuaded by their suggestions of trickery which seems to be one of the built-in endemic talents of this particular faction.

We have no idea why this particular faction is the way they are — certainly not ALL Reptilians are anything like the Miz Liz Entourage.

Some so-called “scientific Researcher” looked at the earliest formed part of the human brain and strictly on the basis of its shape, labeled it the “Reptilian Complex or R-Complex.” He said, “that part of the human brain is the same shape as a reptilian brain — so according to the man who knows — Darwin — it is further proof that we human beings were once reptiles.”

But this is, most likely, a piece of supposition and conclusion pole vaulting which feels compelled to continually mold all discoveries into the (now proven false) Darwinian model which has become one of those “scientific” sacred cows not ever to be questioned.

It is responsible for what has been called our “Flight or Fight” response and that is ostensibly reflective of our biological evolution.

Why we are confronted with this serious trial of the Miz Liz Entourage which has caused so much turmoil throughout our Universe for such a long time — I and no one else can say for sure — but I do have some intuition about what it might be.

This is indeed a root problem — a difficult trial — which we must overcome. It is our responsibility — no one can do this for us — and yet we have instantly at our fingertips all the assistance from the highest beings in the Universe that we will ever need.

The best way is simply for us to complete this unprecedented transition to a higher vibration (which we are now already experiencing) and learn once and for all not to give heed to the lies, accusations and deceptive propaganda constantly being shoved down our throats which is not in our best interest nor in the best interest of any other life-form including the Miz Liz Entourage themselves because their own predatory manner and murdersome lifestyle is further and further isolating them and gradually draining their own life-force.

So . . . simply resisting them just declaring a strong “NO”stops them cold because our Universe herself has placed certain restrictions around what they are actually able to do — even though they fully want us to believe that they are invincible. That, like so many other things, is completely untrue.

So . . . in one sense The Miz Liz Entourage are boisterous boogey monsters loudly saying BOOOOO! But . . . their techniques of trickery and deception are so great that many times humans can be taken off guard and unknowingly become compliant and allow themselves to become (greatly or partially) in the hands of vicious predators.

In the book of James (4:7) in the New Testament, it is written, “submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.” I find this to be excellent advice because it works. And I have proven this to myself. It is a part of my own personal experience of learning how and why to overcome.

That term “resist”means simply refusing to buy the lies and insinuations of Miz Liz whose desire and aim is to slowly destroy us. In other words — it means learning to just say NO — and not biting into the poison being presented so seductively.

Now — this brings me to another  thought and I must ask this question: what do we who resist evil do with those human criminals now running rampant in high positions of influence and authority who have become somewhat or greatly possessed by Miz Liz and also what do we do with the materialized or incarnated Miz Liz souls who are rounded up, arrested and incarcerated when the final thrust of the Victory of the Light takes place and the criminals must face incarceration and adjudication?

The old idea of religious exorcism will not work if a possessed person turns around and just invites them right back in. Besides, there is a much more effective way which is of the greatest benefit possible for the person who has become possessed which I will discuss in a few paragraphs from now.

So . . . what should we do with those criminals?

First of all . . . the extent of the criminality of the ones convicted from evidence must be known transparently by all — and they must be completely separated from society for the sake of its own protection. They must never be tortured, tormented, brutalized nor punished in any way. They will be surprised when this does not happen because they fully expect it to happen. They mistakenly believe that everyone else is one hundred percent self-seeking just like they are.

They must be well (and even lavishly) taken care of in every way in order to calm them and relieve their unfounded fears of torture and painful execution.

Then . . . they must be presented with sound teaching about how and why the Universe operates as it does and why living beings cannot and should not ever have to tolerate such violent invasions upon their person.

A part of this necessary teaching is that they understand individual sovereignty and learn why every living being in the Universe fully deserves appreciation and respect — although some living beings, such as themselves, also deserve for other beings to exercise extreme caution toward them, wariness and total skepticism with complete rejection of their trickery, lies and malfeasant persuasions.

This is the healthy way and secure way that such evil is overcome — not by religious exorcism nor by relying on a magic name or formula. The victim must overcome by getting personally involved. Learning to take personal responsibility is what we humans on planet earth desperately need to do.

The rehabilitation should go for as long as it takes. Many may start to see the truth of what is being so brilliantly taught to them . . . some will take longer . . . and others still longer. In the end there will be some who will totally refuse to see the value in what they have been presented with and the great opportunity for them to move forward and learn a better way that uplifts the Universe rather than attempts to destroy and exploit it.

What will happen to those who, after every educational clarity still refuse to be rehabilitated from their life-style of violence, parasitism and murder? Some beings who apparently do know, say that Miz Liz has been presented with offers to declare peace between them and other races many many times. They have always totally refused.

They are certainly stubborn, that’s for sure.

However, there are some who say that the most ardently negative among those who have become possessed by the Miz Liz Entourage (or a part of that Entourage itself) will be given the choice either to continue on with the rehabilitation teaching and the hands-on experiences (with careful oversight) of putting what they learn to good use . . . or . . . be totally recycled clear down to pure undifferentiated energy and start their entire cycles of evolution of consciousness over once again. Perhaps they will eventually go back to the Universe from whence they came. We have no idea what brought them here in the first place — perhaps there is a way to graciously send them home. Perhaps their virulent attitudes and violent nature are due to some severe trauma which they suffered at home and only came here because they escaped? Perhaps under the right conditions that could be healed. I do not know.

If they chose to be energetically recycled — it  would be their choice however — not an imposed “sentence.” Many in their stubbornness and haughty arrogance will choose such total annihilation of their beings rather than learn new things and improve their life-styles.

So be it.


The Miz Liz Entourage are energetic vampires.

Their perceptions are of the basic energy fields themselves, not what those energy fields produce in materialization — they consider that to be irrelevant. This has led to their arrogance  which has led to the point of being highly conceited and filled with a deluded feeling of omnipotence.

They see themselves as vastly superior to other beings.

They hold the self-image that they and only they are the complete masters of manipulating energy fields and feel very much like they are vastly superior beings.

This is why they are so virulently dangerous.

Their narrowness of perception lies in the fact that they have deceived themselves into thinking that the various variety and frequencies of energy waves are the fundamental Universal field of infinite energy and intelligence. They cannot see the big overall picture because they have become obsessed with their own conceited self-illusions. In other words “they cannot see the forest because of the trees.”

They fail to recognize that the energy waves are the creative manifestations of the Source and not the Source itself.

The Miz Liz Entourage fully thinks of themselves as a vastly superior energy wave who is so above the other energy waves that they can manipulate any of the other ones at will. They think of themselves as the Source and Universal Intention itself. They see themselves as being able to fully manipulate energy fields according to how well they have been able to deceive their victims and over the millenia of their existence in our Universe, they have gotten very good at that.

They are literally drunk with power as they delightfully generate — through worm-tongue precision — all forms of human brutality including torture and rape, dualistic conflicts of all kinds and war to the point of gleefully using weapons of mass and/or total destruction in order to get their “fix” of LOECH. They suffer from an extreme case of addiction . . . but without even recognizing that.

But, again . . . the restriction they face is that they must have the assent and cooperation from those upon whom they feast and their skill of lying deception has become greatly refined.

They obviously cannot get cooperation from anyone who thinks they are being eaten and sucked dry of their life force, so they appeal to the personal desires of their victims and make lots of false promises in order to seduce them into compliance.

Of course this is reflected like a mirror in their possessed and fully controlled minions who are trying so hard to fully control the world and all the entities in it.

Those victims who are their minions became fully possessed. As I said before in the last section, there is a better way of solving this than the old way of religious exorcism.

The answer to this terrible crises of possession sounds simple but is not simple at all but requires a complete commitment to Truth and the dropping of all personal agendas and any kind of selfishness. It is really quite simple but at the same time exceedingly difficult because we tend to struggle so hard to cling to disintegrating temporal things which we must willingly let go — sooner or later this is mandatory anyway.

Oddly enough — and ironically — our dealing with and solving this dilemma is the perfect thing which human beings need to evolve rapidly into their fullest ongoing potential.

It is “let go and let God” which is one of the main goals of all meditation. And that is also representative of the birth of great compassion and true unconditional love within a human being’ heart. It is the ultimate healing.

Here is one of the main keys: if you have a pitch black room totally void of all visible light and suddenly turn on the overhead  light the darkness instantly goes away. There is no battle. There is no struggle. There is no war between Light and Dark. None. The very presense of the Light itself replaces the darkness and does so instantly.

There is no need for a George Lucas Star Wars energy weapons kill orgy because all the Light has to do in order to dispel the darkness is . . . simply be present.

Remind yourself of James 4:5 in the New Testament. When Light comes into the room, the dark instantly disappears totally. There is no struggle. The Light resists the Dark and the darkness flees. Thus . . . The Galactic Federation of Light.

Resisting the “devil” is simply letting go of all personal agendas and allowing the Light to flow out completely unrestricted.

So — put down your weapons and focus on being a clear unrestricted channel for the Light which is the Source Field of infinite energy and intelligence. This can be accomplished by anyone through simply aligning oneself with God’s Universal Intention which is to uplift, bless, appreciate and help flourish all life which comes within an individual’ personal energy field.

That is what all of us are here for. It is our responsibility.

As a friend of mine once stated, “everything in the entire Universe at all levels represents a huge perfectly coordinated conspiracy on behalf of all Life.”

Yes . . . ALL LIFE even includes the Miz Liz Entourage who is . . . like everything else . . . an integral part of our Creator’ Eternal Purpose.

When we personally align ourselves with that Life/Light — that is remembering who and what we are — and that is the goal of our ascensions and evolutions.


NEW: ADDENDUM (2/2/2016)

WizardGandalfAllow me to analyze the things I have said above just a little deeper. However — I am not saying these ideas are by any means the one and only way of looking at it . . . however, analogically, they do touch upon some truth, I think?

Of course, this is only in accordance with my own current perception of it — which could change with further insight.

What are these things?  What does this narrative above mirror?

The answer is simple . . . US.

At the most basic level the above narrative is a metaphoran analogy — of a very fundamental conflict going on within our own 3D minds .

The above narrative represents (from a 3D perspective) a full outward materialization of something within us (a longing — a desire) which can be described as our own souls reaching out — yearning to align with the Universal Intention, to grow, evolve, discover who and what we really are — and the imagined “outward adversaries” whom we deem to be standing in our way — which, in reality, are own heavy useless and even illusory baggage weighing us down — and our seemingly difficult “struggle” just to “Let go and let God” i.e. let our inner light of life, love and truth shine forth unimpeded by our self-delusions.

The Miz Liz Entourage is the pitch black room of darkness with creatures living under rocks.

Our responsibility is to stand up to their lies and tricks (which are our own inner intentions to ignore known Universal Principle — otherwise known as “temptation”) — just refuse them — and resist by saying “NO WAY!” and letting our inner light of truth fully shine forth — and all darkness is naturally and automatically dissolved into the nothingness it genuinely is to start with.

The only “struggle between light and darkness” is no “battle” nor “warfare” at all — except — the reluctance within us to allow our own inner light to shine forth. That means . . . our struggle is simply to learn to let go of our personal baggage and trust our Almighty Mother/Father God (our Source) . . . and this is the basis of our lives of overcoming! 



Please proceed to Part Two

About nestingwave

Read "My Story" on the blog.

Posted on February 16, 2016, in conspiracy, disclosure, National Tyranny and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Thank you Roy, this article makes a lot of sense of what is happening right now concerning the Presidential race (ie Hillary, Obama the Bushes (Sharif-Nazi) etc.) This has just changed my view on worldly things, as well as how I have been fooled to help feed the (Loush) to various evil entities. No more!!! Thanks for the eye opener my friend…………..Alan.

  2. I can only hope that others can see thru the deception also……. I believe its too soon to let out a warning, I don’t think people are aware enough to believe in a town crier just yet!! They are too wide eyed to believe it is happening at all, especially on their watch!! Again, thanks Roy.

  3. Thanks for commenting Alan.

    You may be right about it “being too soon to let out a warning” — but — the strange circumstances involving the compatible “grok” of FIVE different people didn’t wait and so . . . I couldn’t wait either . . . things are now moving very fast. The truth about this fraudlent ploy was burning within me to be quickly released.

    Interestingly enough . . . it turns out that quite a few people are already seeing through this fraud and I am not the only one . . . and some have already been speaking out — but, as usual, the loud popular din of the cacophoney of the unthinking and undiscerning enthusiastic voices is — like Corey Goode himself — calling anyone who dares to question this psy-ops fraud as a narrow-minded opposer, a petrified mind, glassy eyed cult follower of bogus “religion” or even a “schizophrenic” as Corey wishes to label anyone who will not enthusiastically fall into line with the popularity crowd — who are suppose to do so without question — even though there is not one shred of evidence except some corroborations from government owned and operated falsely so-called “whistle-blowers” (admittedly) fully sanctioned by their commanding officers — example: Randy Kramer.

    And yet . . . this whole thing is a huge LAKE OF TRUTH which has been fully polluted by the injected PINT OF POISON which turns out to be a NAZI RACIST FASCIST POINT OF VIEW being put into the mouths of highly evolved (and supposedly “wise”) high dimensional beings. Even David Wlcock KNOWS quite well that this is WRONG and he himself shows signs of being disturbed by it. (See the opening part of the 4th episode of season 3) of the “Cosmic Disclosure.”

    But . . . this opportunity of a life-time put in front of DW seems to be just TOO GREAT to resist.

    There is a FOURTH post coming on Interconnectivity (now in process) which shows another goal of this psy-ops — which is the final card that the CORPORATE FASCIST MILITARY INDUSTRIAL EXTRATERRESTRIAL COMPLEX has to play. It too is doomed to failure.

  4. Reblogged this on hilarywhitehead and commented:
    Bless this life! ❤ a wonderful extrapolation given here! ❤

    • Thank you . . . I truly mean not to diss Corey Goode who according to his own statements was mind-controlled by expert professionals . . . from the age of six years old. As I point out . . . very much of what Corey says IS indeed true . . . but . . . it has been greatly SPUN by his controllers to perpetrate their long attempted scheme of presenting other extre-terrestrial races as a “dog eat dog” affair and “dangerous” to human beings constantly deceiving them and preparing for a parasite takeover of earth. In other words — it is a scenario which has been carefully pushed upon us by HOLLYWOOD (such as Independence Day) to make people terrified of ETs — this has been the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex’ agenda to push upon the world ALREADY FOR A VERY LONG TIME. This is the pint of poison which is a complete LIE being push by the MIEC . . . this falsely so-called “Cosmic Disclosure” is the latest selling of that piece of propaganda — which many are now following in complete blindness and totally ignoring the highly advanced mind-control capabilities of our “Secret Government.” Thank you again for reading my point of view and reblogging it upon your own blog, which I find interesting. Peace to you . . . and . . . namaste

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