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Spaceships Are Metaphors


In the timeless moment of the Great Remembrance, we aligned with the Prime Intention to uplift and harmonize all Life. 

Understanding thrived as never before — as all the dancers of Creation spun their threads of interconnectivity —

to unexpectedly discover the final release of forgiveness amidst the upsurge of compassion arising from the bottomless well of appreciation — beyond words. 


These are not manufactured objects.  Nor are they the necessary conveyances for extraterrestrial beings.  The ships themselves  are alive.  They are the extraterrestrial beings themselves -- showing themselves -- revealing themselves -- and doing so in a way we humans can easily understand.  They are a downstepped materialized communication -- a transitional bridgework  -- an understandable meme to gradually and incrementally establish communications with the peoples of earth.  Like symbols spelling out an alphabet -- the flying saucer is a very strong METAPHOR.

These are not manufactured objects. Nor are they the necessary conveyances for extraterrestrial beings. The ships themselves are alive. They are the extraterrestrial beings themselves — showing themselves — revealing themselves — and doing so in a way we humans can easily understand. They are a downstepped materialized communication — a transitional bridgework — an understandable meme to gradually and incrementally establish communications with the peoples of earth. Like symbols spelling out an alphabet — the flying saucer is a very strong METAPHOR.

  • Intelligent extraterrestrial life exist amidst  every frequency of the Multiverse. 
  • That means ALL dimensions from physical to etherial (spiritual) and in all densities (materializations)  from thick to less thick.
  • These designations  have to do with the speed and pattern  of the oscillations — the vibrations —  which give rise to a specific horizontal time-line. 
  • Everything which we  can (or cannot)  imagine does indeed exist. 
  • There are an infinite number of parallel Universes with an infinite number of time-lines. 
  • We are continually  shifting into new parallel Universes and different time-lines.  How?  With every thought — intention — and action we  create the fluctuating nuances of our reality — and we do so according to our present up-to-date belief system.  
  • The most unchangable thing in the entire Universe — is change itself.
  • The highly advanced ETs —  whom Dr. Greer and many of us are already encountering — are what Sheldon Nidle refers to as  Physical Angels. 
  • This means that they readily move  throughout all dimensions and frequencies.
  • They do not need any kind of vehicle in the way we earth humans need a vehicle to get from here to there because they themselves are  the vehicle. 
  • However — in order to interface with us and communicate with us —  they must undergo a physical —  mental — and spiritual  DOWNSTEPand can even completely materialize — or dematerialize at will. 
  • These ET beings are transdimensional and can move from any location to any other location by means of teleportation.
  • The spiritual and mental aspects are so completely developed in these beings that they are untouched by all this moving back and forth and remain largely focused on the Ultimate First Thought of the Source Field.
  • They fully realize the nature and limitations of our world and do have the ability to fully materialize within it — and they do so either directly — or — though incarnation  into a body through a human mother.
  • This presents them with the opportunity to undergo a birth  right here on earth undergoing  the same incarnation process as you and me. These incarnated “Physical Angels” — are already here — and they are walking among us — barely noticed but involved in service to their fellow being. They are our literal brothers and sisters and we always know each other and always appreciate their chosen fields of activity.
  • All of the activity of these incarnate human beings is geared — structured — and aimed at one thing:  creating a completely New Paradigm on our Mother Earth. 
  • However — the ‘spaceships’  are needed — not for the ETs — but for us. The ETIs are presenting us with a divine metaphor — a vortexual gateway analogy.
  • What that means is that they have been and are training us.  This is not being forced upon us — participation is completely voluntary.
  • The spaceships themselves — are flexible symbols. They are highly intelligent energy materializations.
  • Whenever any person witnesses  a UFO — they are already in full contact with that Universal Intelligence. Most folks do not realize that — but  some do.

And why is the ETI doing all this? What is their agenda anyway?

This morphing space-ship  meme gives us  a solid framework which can train  us about an entirely new way  of thinking. That is — holonmic thinking rather than our customary linear thinking which has been our normal way of thinking for millenia. 

This meme — the ‘spaceship’ — signifies the natural evolution of our consciousness as we move into becoming Galactic Humans — Homo Galacticus.

We have already been undergoing  this ET training program.  Many people all across Gaia enthusiastically volunteered for it.  We greatly desired to participate.   And — we undertook this challenge without any fear whatsoever.  We volunteered to ‘walk point’ in this and be the forging frontiersmen that prepare the way for an entirely new and never before seen — Galactic Civilization — where we have become our Mother Earth’s caregivers  and the stewards of thriving life in all its wonderful aspects.

This is the broader meaning of the bigger  ET picture .


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